Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Your daily Horoscope for Monday, May 13, 2019

What kind of day will you have today? Read our horoscope... ARIES(March 21-April 19)Whatever emotion you feel today should be embraced and celebrated. From elation to depression, everything should be given its fair amount of time. So don't suppress that inconvenient attack of the giggles—let it out (and the longer you laugh, the more likely it is that the folks around you will join in). The same goes for a blue fog that may descend over you in the late afternoon. Let yourself feel these emotions—it's the healthiest way to get through them.TAURUS(April 20-May 20) Don't be too surprised if you are feeling especially housebound today. You have created a very comfortable place for yourself, and it makes sense that you would like to spend more time in an environment you feel so at ease in. Spend some time creating a balance between the public world and your private world today—it probably won't be difficult to find a way to do some work from home or to move a social event to your place.GEMINI(May 21-June 20)The thriftier you are in the present, the more extravagant your future can be. You need to keep a tight grip on your wallet for just a little bit longer if you want to be prepared for what's coming in the next few weeks. A big chunk of change will get you much closer to where you want to be. So for the time being, watch what you buy, skip your usual extravagances, and go back to brown-bagging it for lunch. You will be very grateful that you tightened your belt.CANCER(June 21-July 22) You need to put yourself first today. For too long, you've been putting the needs, wants, and wishes of other people way ahead of your own priorities. This was wise, and it accomplished a lot of good things for you—not to mention all the karma points you racked up. But today it's your turn. Say no to something you don't want to do, and don't feel guilty for doing so. Make your own plans, obey your own rules and enjoy yourself.LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) There's no need to be modest today, especially when someone high up on the ladder of power looks down and asks whether your rightful place isn't a few rungs higher. Good opportunities are rare, and if someone sees something amazing in you, your response can't be "Aw, shucks"—it has to be "You got that right!" The people who like your style are the people who get what's going on, just like you do. Align yourself with them, and your future will be bright.VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Getting more organized is easier than ever today—your energy level is sky high, and your focus is razor sharp. So if you have been waiting for a time to rearrange a closet or tackle an unruly filing cabinet, today is the day. You have a great ability to create order out of chaos right now, so use it! You will have fun with whatever method you choose, whether it's as simple as color-coding folders or as complicated as coding a computer program.LIBRA(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)It's a good thing that your flexibility muscles have been well exercised over the past few days, making you ready to bob and weave at any point today. Like a pro diner waitress, you'll be able to juggle multiple tasks (and grumpy customers) with the ease of a dancer and the smile of a supermodel. Take on some big challenges today—the universe will respond to your elasticity and adaptation skills. You'll notice a lot of strange coincidences today.SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Whatever you do today, don't sell yourself short! You are capable of amazing things right now, and no one can tell you differently—although they might try. Some pushy people are trying to plant false doubt in your mind. Don't let them! You know exactly what to do and how to do it, so just listen to your intuition and take it from there. Focus on having a positive outlook. If you spend too much time pondering, you'll lose perspective and may alienate someone who can help you.SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Your flexibility will come in very handy today when a lot of different opportunities strain the delicate balance you've achieved between your personal and public lives. Have no fear—you will be able to juggle all elements easily and with your customary flair. The pace of your life is picking up, but you will have no problem keeping up. As you prove to yourself how capable you are, you're also proving to everyone else that you are a force to be reckoned with.CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Not everyone is as comfortable with change as you are. Be very mindful of that fact when new ideas shake up your group today. Some folks may freak out a little bit—and they may have trouble making sense of it all. Try to convince these people that new ideas are nothing to be afraid of. Suggest that they take a wait-and-see attitude about things, and remind them that all the transitions that are coming won't be happening overnight.AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) If you've been feeling overwhelmed by the details of an upcoming event, a burst of energy and positive thinking is coming along today, and it will help you handle them. Your change in attitude could be due in large part to a new person on the scene. Are you trying to impress someone? It's amazing how motivating that can be, isn't it? Of course, it's fine to use this person as a reason to buckle down, but ultimately you have to do what you're doing for yourself.PISCES(Feb. 19-Mar 20)Today your creativity will get you noticed in a major way—by some major players. You are capable of creating a whole new way of doing things, and you represent a new hope for someone who needs big changes. This person needs you more than you need him or her. Your power is growing, and if you push a little bit harder to get what you want today, you'll get it. Don't act too surprised—play it cool, and let everyone be impressed by your bold behavior.

from The News International - MISC http://bit.ly/2WJg9My

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