LAHORE: Pakistan pacer Wahab Riaz and Kamran Akmal have expressed their disappointment over not being selected for the cricket World Cup 2019 in England and Wales starting from next month. Kamran Akmal was also upset over his brother Umar’s snub from Pakistan’s World Cup squad.“His (Umar’s) season has gone pretty well and he has been scoring in 30s and 40s on a consistent basis. How much have the rest of the players scored?” he asked. “As far as my performance is concerned, it seems as if I don’t even play here.” The wicketkeeper batsman said that his whole family was upset over Umar’s snub from cricket’s biggest tournament but can’t say anything because of the “consequences” they would face. Pacer Wahab Riaz also seemed unhappy over not getting selected for the tournament but is focusing on his future. “Not being part of the World Cup squad feels bad and I was hurt because of that but you never know what the future holds.” Pakistan begin their World Cup 2019 campaign against West Indies at Trent Bridge on May 31.
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