Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dr. Zafar visits PIMS like a common man to assess shortcomings

Islamabad : Casually dressed to avoid being recognised, the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on National Health Services Dr. Zafar Mirza undertook an unannounced visit to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) Friday, mingling and queuing up with patients to ascertain whether it is scarcity of human and material resources, poor administrative practices, or lack of professionalism that is responsible for deteriorating patient services in the capital’s leading tertiary care hospital.Like a common patient, he got an examination slip made from the Out-Patient Department and then stood in the queue to discreetly experience the kind of treatment that is ordinarily meted out to non-VIP patients. For about an hour, he randomly interacted with patients and their attendants, inquiring about the problems they encounter during their struggle to access medical treatment at the hospital.Patient influx at PIMS—where each department handles over 600 patients per day—aroused Dr. Zafar’s concern, particularly when he was told that the number of patients is twice as much on ordinary non-Ramazan days. He wished proper protocols were being followed when guiding and handling patients, and better facilities were available to patients.Articulating his plan, Dr. Zafar talked about expansion of the hospital and its OPD, revamping of emergency services, and induction of more doctors, nurses and staff in a bid to ease the workload and to achieve a reasonable doctor-patient ratio. “How can a doctor even function in his clinic when surrounded by a league of over a dozen anxious patients waiting to be examined,” he wondered, assuring a turn-around with introduction of the hospital reforms package. He gathered that even though doctors are doing their bit, their focus and attention get compromised because of excessive patient load.Dr. Zafar clarified that the purpose of his visit was not to criticize anyone but to determine how the system is operating and what measures can immediately be taken to upgrade the quality of care. He was visibly shaken to hear the story of a cancer patient from Bhakkar, whose travel expenses alone amount to Rs. 9,000 per visit, and who had sold her livestock to clear her Rs. 200,000 medical bill. The patient sounded helpless over having to get expensive diagnostic tests done from private laboratories outside PIMS.“Out-of-pocket expenditure on health has robbed non-affording patients of their lifelong earnings. It is the responsibility of the state to provide basic health facilities to people. All possible resources will be mobilized to improve the working of government hospitals as part of the PM’s larger vision for health,” assured Dr. Zafar, who deserves some praise for undertaking a truly surprise visit which was unlike any such visit made by any health minister of the past.

from The News International - Islamabad

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