STORYNow that she knew everything, Joy kept herself to her room. Sandy went out, though, to play with some children who came to see the palace. In Utopia, the palace was open to general public at certain timings, and children loved to visit it.Being cooped up in her room all day, doing nothing was not easy, but Joy knew it was worth it. Besides, she was allowed to invite anyone she wanted to her room. Heck, her room even had its own terrace! She could pass her time enjoying the view without even going out. And, the best part was that she had access to books from the palace library, and the old library too. To learn what she could about Utopia, she wanted to read all the books she could. She started to keep a journal because who wouldn’t if they were in a place like that.********************* ‘You might be thinking the security is too tight these days, right? Do you feel we all are ignoring you?’ Hayden said softly. Joy, who was on the terrace, jumped with shock.‘You gave me a mini-heart attack.’ Hayden laughed. ‘Sorry for that.’‘It’s all right.’ She turned around towards the setting sun, pretending to be angry.‘Oh look, someone’s mad.’ He bent his tall frame over her head upside down which earned him a swat on his face. ‘I don’t like being ignored when I was born to be-’‘Worshipped? Yes, master.’ Hayden bowed before Joy could complete her sentence. Joy made a face and gave him a “get-to-the-point” look.Joy rolled her eyes and sat on a chair beside the glass wall of the terrace. ‘Sorry for making you feel lonely but I’ve something to show you.’ He held his hand out and Joy took it, knowing the “surprise”.He led her out then took her through complicated places and stopped at the greatest door anyone had seen. Looks like he’s hiding the Burj Khalifa for me inside, Joy thought but dared not to speak. Hayden looked at her, flashed a warm smile and squeezed her hand. She shot a smile back and he let go of her to turn the knob with both hands and opened the door. Joy was blinded by the brightness but when her eyes adjusted it took all her willpower not to squeal.*********************She was standing in the largest ceremony hall she’d ever seen. She was sure that the hall could easily accommodate at least ten White Houses! Well, every single Utopian was invited to the coronation, so it had to be big. There was a stage where Hayden would be crowned. They had long tables for people to sit and enjoy.It was so incredibly beautiful that Joy just stood at the door, gaping at everything. Hayden nudged her. ‘Stop drooling, it’s nothing. You should see how we do royal weddings here, you’d be absolutely stunned.’Joy looked at him with a wonderstruck expression; Hayden huffed and rolled his eyes. He pulled her up and threw her over his shoulder. This brought her back to life as she squirmed and punched his back, but in vain. Joy’s threats of puking on his back finally made Hayden put her down. She gave him a glare, and walked in. She spotted Jane talking to someone and noting down something on a book.‘I had no idea you guys had a secret hide-out for ceremonies, too.’ Joy said as Hayden ruffled Jane’s hair. ‘I’ve been working on this for days. I thought you’d like it.’ Jane purred.‘I was only joking.’ Joy held up her hands in surrender. ‘So, m’lady, would you like a tour of the grand hall?’ Jayden bowed and offered his hand. They laughed and after a playful punch and a little more teasing the four of them started checking every detail to make sure nothing was amiss. Joy had plenty of time to talk to the workers present and interview them about their experiences.After a while, Hayden went away to see someone, Jane went to their stylist with Julian. Jayden was still there, giving orders to a man changing the settings of a round table. Sandy somehow made its way into the hall and bounded furiously towards Joy. Jayden stopped it and told Joy to take Sandy back to her room, as it’d messed up everything two times that morning. Joy nodded and grabbed Sandy by the collar and practically dragged it back. After what seemed like a workout which would make up for a whole month at the gym, she succeeded in bringing Sandy back to the room.*********************Next morning, Joy woke up by a loud knock on the door. She found a very excited Jane outside who dragged Jo in her pajamas with her hair disheveled into a large room. The room was full of smartly dressed women. ‘You should’ve let me get in a non-cave-womanly state. I’m standing in front formal people looking like Godzilla.’ Jane only giggled and told her they were stylists who’d get her ready for the coronation.After finally getting “ready”, she was taken to the dining hall, but Hayden wasn’t there. Jane told her that in Utopia, the King’s face shouldn’t be seen till coronation. It was only five minutes until the coronation and the people had started gathering around the stage.Two minutes away, and Joy was beside herself with excitement. Twenty seconds, and people held their breaths. All the people who were supposed to be onstage took their positions. Ten seconds for Hayden to be on-stage and Joy felt her guts churn; not because of nerves, but anxiety. She felt that something was wrong, but shook it off. After all, what could be wrong in Utopia?Joy noticed a frown on Jayden’s face because Hayden was supposed to be walking towards the stage by now. She sucked in a sharp breath and went backstage. She was there as fast as lighting, adrenaline rushing through her like a tidal wave, but found nothing. She rushed to Hayden’s room and burst through the door.No one was there but a note was attached on Hayden’s headboard. She took cautious steps towards it; as Jayden and company came inside. Jane snatched the note hurriedly from the headboard and read it silently before anyone could say ‘Shoot’. She gave a bloodcurdling scream when she was finished and Joy’s legs gave way. Fortunately, Jayden and Julian caught her before she hit the ground. The note, scribbled untidily, said that Vex had taken Hayden hostage and was holding him at a place called ‘The Black Hill’. There they’d find a cave with a dark passage and finally take Hayden back. There wasn’t any explanation or purpose mentioned, just a threat to not bring guards.*********************When Joy came to, her three friends were sitting around her. They told her what was in the note by Vex. Joy noticed everyone had change into normal clothes, and she also changed her dress. They set out for The Black Hill soon after. They decided to fly, although Joy had still not become very good at flying. Jayden knew the place and they all flew at full speed towards their destination. Soon they were standing at a cave’s dark mouth. No one noticed a creepy mist which had sprung up as soon as they’d set foot. So without hesitation they stepped into the cave. It was so narrow that they had to walk in a single file with Jayden leading the way. As they came to a fork, Jayden stopped suddenly and they all bumped into each other. ‘I guess we have to split.’‘I’ll go with Jane. You’d be okay with Julian, right, Joy?’ Jayden said. ‘Yes, ’ Joy replied. Jane and Jayden went before them, so they both took a deep breath and resumed their search. Both groups walked till they came to a place with full length mirrors on the wall. Jane felt Jayden’s hand leave hers; she looked beside herself but saw only darkness. In fact, they all found themselves surrounded by darkness.Joy shuddered violently and moved towards the mirror. The rest did the same, and looking at the mirrors they didn’t see their faces. It felt just like the Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter, but with a different purpose. Joy expected to see her fate when she looked at the mirror, but instead found herself looking at her parents watching something on the television. And to her surprise they looked pretty contended.Julian saw his kingdom being destroyed and his father being brutally burnt in fire. He screamed loudly and almost fell down. He looked at the godforsaken mirror again and this time he whimpered and turned around.Meanwhile Jane and Jayden saw pretty much the same thing. They saw their parents whom they had never known and Hayden’s lifeless figure.All of them felt something different. Joy felt nostalgic; Julian scared and shocked; Jane and Jayden felt heartbroken.As Joy examined the blurred picture on the mirror she saw Vex’s faint figure standing behind the couch, his face not very clear but with murderous-vibes around, and Joy started panicking. ‘You should’ve seen the precious expression on your face when you saw me behind them.’ Joy jumped from her slumped position and was almost ready to kick Vex to the moon and back, but froze when she saw no sign of him.‘What do you want from me?’ She said, in a shaky, but threatening voice.‘It’s just one thing that I’ve wanted for centuries, I guess you know that and if not then you’re deceived.’ His voice seemed to boom around everywhere. ‘I’m not Google but yes I know what you want and I’m sorry I can’t give it to you, so stop being dramatic and give us Hayden back so we can get the hell out of here.’ She said scornfully.‘I’d let you go, but you’re all my guests and I’d like to entertain you guys a bit before you leave.’ He said in a cold voice. ‘You might want to keep your tongue in control because he is holding me hostage.’ Hayden’s scared voice boomed and indistinct laughter of Vex echoed around her. She looked around and huddled herself into a corner.To be continued…
from The News International - US
Friday, May 3, 2019
A piece of peace
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