Saturday, December 22, 2018

Road accidents

In recent days, two severe and tragic accidents have taken place at the Faizabad checkpost on the Islamabad Highway. It appears that the accidents could have been avoided, had the drivers been driving slow. The Islamabad traffic police should plan a strategy to minimise accidents. The first step for the safety of the policemen standing at the check post is to install digital lights or rotating yellow lights 100 metres before the check post.The ITP should strictly enforce speed limits on major highways. The Islamabad Highway is almost signal-free, so some people drive their vehicles in fast speed as there are no traffic signals to slow them down. Cameras should be placed on bridges or pedestrian bridges to record those drivers who are speeding. Those caught speeding should be fined. There should also be a complete ban on talking on mobile phones while driving.Syed Hussein El-EdroosIslamabad

from The News International - Newspost

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