Saturday, September 25, 2021

New video by PM Imran about Islamophobia at United Nations Speech, on September 25, 2021 Geo News on YouTube

PM Imran about Islamophobia at United Nations Speech, on September 25, 2021
Islamophobia The premier also discussed Islamophobia, which he noted that the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy has recognised as an emerging threat, as it increases the tendency of right-wing, xenophobic and violent nationalists, extremists and terrorist groups to target Muslims. "We hope the Secretary-General’s report will focus on these new threats of terrorism posed by Islamophobes and right-wing extremists," the prime minister said. "I call on the Secretary-General to convene a global dialogue on countering the rise of Islamophobia. Our parallel efforts, at the same time, should be to promote interfaith harmony, and they should continue," he added. The premier also spoke in particular about Islamophobia in India, which he said "now rules" the country. "The hate-filled ‘Hindutva’ ideology, propagated by the fascist RSS-BJP regime, has unleashed a reign of fear and violence against India’s 200 million strong Muslim community," he said. "Mob lynching by cow vigilantes; frequent pogroms, such as the one in New Delhi last year; discriminatory citizenship laws to purge India of Muslims; and a campaign to destroy mosques across India and obliterate its Muslim heritage and history, are all part of this criminal enterprise," the premier said.

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