Bushra Bibi pays surprise visit to Lahore hospitalLAHORE: First Lady Bushra Bibi, the wife of Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday paid a surprise visit to Gulab Devi hospital Lahore.Sources said Bushra Bibi, during her surprise visit, reviewed the administrative arrangemen…Read More
E-cigarette use linked to heart trouble: studyWashington: People who use e-cigarettes are more likely to have heart problems than those who don´t, says a study released on Thursday in the US.The rate of heart attacks among those who vape was 34 percent higher than among …Read More
Pharmacy helps NHS through digitalisationBy Our correspondent LONDON: Well Pharmacy, the third largest pharmacy chain in the UK, has pledged its support for the NHS Long Term Plan through digitalisation.The plan published by the NHS aims to make greater use of commu…Read More
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