PMDC lifts embargo on Baqai Dental collegeKARACHI: After the detailed and comprehensive re-inspection of Baqai University dental section on 19 December 2018, the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Executive committee has allowed it to start admission for the session…Read More
Pakistan gets 371 million polio vaccines from UAEISLAMABAD: Under the ongoing campaign to eradicate polio in the world the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday has provided over 371.1 million units of polio vaccines to more than 57 million Pakistani children between 2014 …Read More
Pakistan is high child mortality country says surveyISLAMABAD: Pakistan is one of the resilient place for the children to survive till touching the age of five years due to delays in receiving appropriate care from a skilled health worker, as per the Pakistan Demographic and h…Read More
Encroachers block way of blood bank in KarachiKARACHI: Even after Supreme Court-ordered mass anti-encroachment drive in Karachi’s Saddar area as well as other localities, there exist more than dozens of areas where encroachment still persists reportedly. One such area is…Read More
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