Pakistan Weather Forecast: Wednesday 6 MarchISLAMABAD: Continental air is prevailing over most parts of the country. A fresh westerly wave is likely to affect western central and upper parts of the country on Thursday and Friday.Weather Forecast for Wednesday:Mainly co…Read More
Out of the top 10 most polluted cities, 7 are in IndiaSeven Indian cities have made the top ten list of the most polluted cities in the world as per a study by AirVisual, which includes two Pakistani metropolises as well.According to the survey Indian city of Gurugram is leading…Read More
Seoul passes emergency bills to fight air pollutionSouth Korea´s parliament passed emergency measures on Wednesday to tackle the "social disaster" of air pollution, after the country saw record levels of pollution earlier this month.The measures include the mandatory introduc…Read More
Quetta's Hanna Lake fills up after spell of rain and snowfallQUETTA: Continuous spell of rain and snowfall led to Hanna Lake in the city getting refilled on Sunday after remained dried up earlier.Two days’ worth of rain and snow refilled Quetta’s Hanna Lake located at an approximate di…Read More
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