WHO team arrives in Pakistan to investigate HIV outbreakISLAMABAD: An international team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) arrived in Pakistan on Tuesday to support the response to an outbreak of HIV in Larkana in Sindh province.According to an official of WHO, t…Read More
In fluke experiment, espresso quells rare genetic diseasePARIS: A lot of people say they cannot live without coffee, but for one 11-year-old boy living in France, that may be literally true.When his parents accidentally bought decaffeinated capsules recently, a rare genetic muscula…Read More
Pakistani youth launches Samosa business in London with a twistA Pakistani British youth, Adil Khan, launched samosa business, ‘Gimme Samosa’ in London. We sell the baked samosas, the youth said.Proud of his Pakistani origin, Khan chose samosas to be his staple delicacy – the main produc…Read More
Over 600 people test HIV positive in Pakistan villageFile photo Health Advisor Zafar MirzaISLAMABAD: Special Health Advisor Zafar Mirza said on Sunday over 600 people, most of them children, had tested HIV positive in a village in Sindh.Concern grew after hundreds of people wer…Read More
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